Monday, 27 December 2010

Zodiac Sign Compatibility for Scorpions~

Scorpio and Leo love compatibility 
There will be an instant mutual sexual attraction, equal in force between them. But Leo finds it hard to cope with Scorpio's jealousy and possessiveness. Intense, smoldering Scorpio is on a too short fuse, while Leo is much more buoyant. These two very strong willed individuals generally create some rather stormy moments. Generally in such relationships there will be no "romanticism", but these two are capable of sensual loving and good, long partnership.

Scorpio and Aries love compatibility 

The sex can turn out to be either stimulating or useless. There are two directions for the events to develop. Both the Aries, and the Scorpio possess a large amount of physical energy. They are both inclined to act. On the other hand, they are both independent and do not like being controlled. Long-term disagreements may destroy their phenomenal ability to share passion of and with each other. Usually this is an unstable partnership with a low ignition point.

Scorpio and Cancer love compatibility 

Masterful Scorpio should make a good mate for quiet spoken Cancer. The Scorpio's force and his/her needs to dominate and protect is just what the Cancer is longing for. Cancer's possessiveness will actually make Scorpio feel secure. Cancer admires Scorpio's strength while Scorpio finds a haven in Cancer's emotional commitment. The Cancer is more sensitive about sexual relations, while the Scorpio is more passionate. The Cancer's desire to please helps avoid many problems in this area. The the Scorpio's furious jealousy does not arise, since the Cancer is devoted to the partner. The love will be growing, and this passionate connection can develop in a perfect marriage.

Scorpio and Libra love compatibility 

Scorpio is too jealous for the careless Libra. His/her well known jealousy does not let him/her stay calm and wise. The Virgo's carelessness concerning sex results in a quarrel. These problems can end up by driving Libra into an affair with someone else who does not make him/her feel restricted in any way. Scorpio is not the forgiving type and any infidelity will never be forgotten by this sign, and any taking back after this happens will be to get revenge on Libra for his/her act. Scorpio should dominate while Libra - submit. There is a strong mutual attraction between them , but this can lead to an explosion. This is a passionate rough connection and the marriage is not recommended.

Scorpio and Taurus love compatibility 

With a strong sexual urge both will find much in common. They are both equally active in sexual affairs. None of them needs to cheat on each other. On the other hand both are very jealous and stubborn. The difference between these two is that Taurus wants to own a lover, like a valuable object, and Scorpio tries to possess in an emotional sense. Taurus can be obstinate in his irritation and Scorpio can be dangerous if he/she is angry. So, this affair is complete of the problems, and marriage is possible only if both of them are very tolerant and intelligent people.

Scorpio and Capricorn love compatibility 

This union means successful sexual mutual relationships. Scorpio is the more imaginative lover, but Capricorn's stamina is a delightful match. Scorpio's possessiveness spells security to Capricorn. These two work well as a team - Capricorn is highly organized and Scorpio has native shrewdness. The Scorpio is more inventive, while the Capricorn is more patient. Their success in bedroom opens some interesting opportunities. The representatives of both signs have strong will, but the Scorpio is inclined to dominate. The Capricorn must understand, that it happens because of the Scorpio's great love. The connection is usually passionate and marriages are successful.

Scorpio and Gemini love compatibility 

Gemini's imagination and Scorpio's dynamism can make a good combination if only these two are able to get along together. They are close in the sexual relationships, but that is not enough. Gemini is the type who tries to live a full, busy life but not so with Scorpio, as Scorpio is more centered on the idea of self improvement. Scorpio is sensual, passionate, demanding, jealous, inflexible. Gemini is fickle, flighty, superficial, lighthearted, changeable. Gemini is a social creature, Scorpio likes privacy. The representatives of Gemini'sign take everything too easy for the Scorpio. The Scorpio is purposeful while the Gemini are always doubting. It will probably be a kind of relationships that is not easy to cope with with difficult marriage as a result.

Scorpio and Virgo love compatibility 

Their interests are the same in many areas, but they are too different when it refers to the sexual sphere. It is difficult for them to establish good relationships. Virgo can become captious. Restrained Virgo has trouble keeping up with highly demonstrative Scorpio and doesn't understand what all the fuss and bother is about. Scorpio can fly into jealous rages for no reason, even if Virgo has proved to be a faithful mate, and the general Scorpio views are hard for Virgo to take or agree with for Virgo always sees the other side of the situation and the other persons point of view. In other words Scorpio can be roughly frank. The spiritual affinity is possible for some time, and then Scorpio will probably begin to search for new sexual partners. Friendship may be the best idea here.

Scorpio and Scorpio love compatibility 

These two are capable to light the fire even in the water. The problem is that they are too similar. They are both resolute, both are proprietors, and both have awful characters. They are highly jealous and demanding. They are so intense that every little storm quickly becomes a hurricane. Both are sulky, brooding, possessive. Both are in a continual struggle to force the other to relinquish control. If they have different opinions about something, it may result in big cracks in their relationship, and as a result the mutual understanding between them will evaporate. Their connection can not last long outside a warm atmosphere of the bedroom. The connection is extraordinary. The marriage is a real disaster!

Scorpio and Sagittarius love compatibility 

Scorpio is dominant by nature, but he/she will have trouble keeping their Sagittarius partner under control. Scorpio loves his/her house while the Sagittarius' suitcase is always ready to be taken to a journey. The freedom is necessary for Sagittarius . Sagittarlus's far-roaming interests constantly make Scorpio jealous. Romantically, this is a volatile combination. Sagittarius is playful about sex and finds Scorpio's intense, dominating passions too much to cope with. Soon Sagittarius's inclination is to fly. Their mutual attraction is explained by sex and can not last for a long time. A one night's affair - yes; a marriage -NO.

Scorpio and Aquarius love compatibility 

This combination usually ends up getting into unpleasant terms after a little time. Fueled by Scorpio's volatility and Aquarius's imaginativeness, sex is quite out of the ordinary. But Aquarius is turned off by Scorpio's powerful and jealous passions, and Scorpio is upset by Aquarius's unpredictable moods. Aquarius constantly participates in numerous public affairs. Scorpio can't bend the Aquarius to his/ her will, because of Aquarius' love of freedom. The Aquarius is extremely sociable. The Scorpio is reserved. The happiness in bed will not help this couple to be happy together. Let everyone go their own way.

Scorpio and Pisces love compatibility 

This may be a love at first sight combination. There is a strong mutual attraction between them. Pisces are ready to rely on Scorpio to compensate their indecision, and will agree with the Scorpio's aspiration to dominate. Scorplo's jealousy and possessiveness won't bother Pisces-in fact, it makes Pisces feel loved. Pisces's dependency is just what Scorpio is looking for. These two share a special communion, much of it on a sensual, unspoken level. Both have intense feelings, are loyal, intuitive, interested in the mystical and the unusual. Their sexual life should be delightful. The Pisces are inventive. The Scorpio is persevering. Both - affair and marriage are successful.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Umiiyak aq...

Current me... couldn't sleep
Current me... still thinking of you
Current me... listening to our conversation
Current me... listening to your singing
Current me... crying over you
Current me... wanted to hug you so much
Current me... thinking of you so much
Current me... wanted to have you so much
Current me... wanted to speak to you
Current me... just miss you...
BBQ, mis n mis nkta sobra...

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Personality Test (2)

1. 你有吃早餐的习惯?   有~~2    没有~~3   
2. 你养过宠物?    有~~7    没有~~3
3. 你有工作经验?    有~~7    没有~~4
4. 你有好的运动细胞?    有~~8    没有~~5
5. 你现在正在减肥?    是~~9    不是~~6
6. 你认为看电影一定要吃零食?    是~~9    不是~~10
7. 你觉得地球上出现过外星人?    有~~8    没有~~11
8. 你曾有过很多恋情?    是~~12    不是~~9
9. 你很少看漫画书?    是~~13    不是~~10
10. 你到KTV就会唱个不停?    是~~13    不是~~14
11. 你喜欢吃三明治?    喜欢~~14    不喜欢~~12
12. 你会自创不同的菜式?    会~~15    不会~~13
13. 你很会画插画?    是~~A型    不是~~B型
14. 你喜欢格子图案?    喜欢~~C型    不喜欢~~D型
15. 你很想出国上学?    是~~E型    不是F型
16. 你曾参加过某明星的后援会?    有~~G型    没有~~H型




D型人~~ 你是积极努力认真派,你对自己要求很高,但一旦遇到和你脾气相似的人,你们就很有惺惺相惜的感觉,因而相谈甚欢。你虽然表面看起来有些严肃,但是其实你单纯善良,你的想法总是积极的,你有很强的自我调节能力,所以即使你遇到苦难,也能很好的处理,你在朋友是最乖的朋友,因为当你真心喜欢一个人的时候,你的贴心和用心会不自然的流露出来,你个朋友的关系看似平淡,但其实双方心里的挂念,彼此都知道。



G型人~~ 你不喜欢想得太远,只要眼下快乐就好,你没什么想像力,你每天关心的是今天要做什么,怎么做。你的生活很简单,正常吃,喝,睡,闷了找人聊点无关要紧的事情,把事情打发走 。你对生活中的快乐与烦恼看得很开,你是个很容易满足的人。


Monday, 30 August 2010

Ferrero Rocher Milkshake


Saturday, 28 August 2010

Soup 28-08-2010

Own recipe - Mixed beans soup
Barley, soya beans, black eye beans, lotus seed and diced ham

Monday, 23 August 2010

I thought...

Years passed by,
Already got used of the life without you.
Always wanting to start a new relationship,
To find someone who belongs to me.

The click has arrived.
He plays guitar too.
To him, I am perfect.
He wanted so much to own me.

Went out a few times with him,
Thought a new relationship is about to begin.
But, when he asked "Can you be my gf?"
Found out that I'm not ready at all.

Is it because he is still not the one I really want to be with?
Or is it because I still couldn't get over you?
"What do I want?" A question that I have been asking myself always.
Still, no answer.

Our memories just kept flashing in my mind.
When the music plays,
All I think is just about you.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Don't You Just Love Shopping?

Just love it!
Just enjoy it!
Just make my day!
18 Aug 2010

Thursday, 12 August 2010


Something about Scorpion 
Scorpios are powerful people who love to control their own destiny. Sensual and intense, life is anything but mundane. They are tenacious, secretive, sexy, and exciting, but watch out, they can also be fiercely protective and jealous. There’s nothing casual about this star-sign – enchanting!

Scorpio – Aries : This energy plus union can move mountains.
Scorpio – Taurus : Respect and appreciation for each other’s skills.
Scorpio – Gemini : First impressions can be captivating.
Scorpio – Cancer : Totally electric – the world is their oyster.
Scorpio – Leo : They can build on each other’s energy.
Scorpio – Virgo : Combined power can be resourceful.
Scorpio – Libra : Deep down, these two have a lot to offer each other.
Scorpio – Scorpio : An emotional intensity outweighs other combinations.
Scorpio – Sagittarius : An optimistic outlook can bring them together.
Scorpio – Capricorn : These two make people stand up and take notice.
Scorpio – Aquarius : Getting to know each other is part of the intrigue.
Scorpio – Pisces : Like Burton and Liz Taylor, they complete each other.

It Makes My Day

Had a yummy yummy lunch out with Dan.
Hot chicken burrito for main course
3 glasses of orange juice (XD)
Warm chocolate melt for dessert (which makes my day <3)

Monday, 2 August 2010

The emo me

Was extremely happy yesterday.
Not even 24 hours, feeling emo again.
Too stress? Too tired? No idea...
Was crying badly in the dream.
Found myself woke up with tears.

Just hope to relax by the seaside.
Believe the sound of the wave could sweep all my stress & unhappiness away.
Just hope to have a shoulder to lean on.
Silently, peacefully, fall asleep...

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Happy Happy Shopping 01-08-2010

Happy happy!
Bought for my dad & my mum...
& got myself the most.. XD
Mummy said: STOP SHOPPING!

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Sleepless Night

Another sleepless night

Thinking of you
Tears dropped 
Wanted so much to talk to you 
***I miss you, Kelvin***

Monday, 12 July 2010

Dinner 11-07-2010

ABC Soup

Curry Chicken, Pork with Sichuan Vegetable, Fried Egg

A day spent with the kids. 
Accompanied them for dinner and movie while I'm doing my work.

Friday, 2 July 2010

The Perfect Getaway

Wot's best in life?
Strolling under a lovely weather
Getting some fresh air
Sitting on a big ground
No disturbance
This is how I relax myself

Friday, 25 June 2010


Looking at the current you, I'm happy
This has proved my decision right
Looking at the father-to-be, I'm happy
As this is what you hoped for
Looking at your fb, I'm happy
I can feel that you're thinking of me (as if you are)

Congratulation that you've moved on to the next stage of life
Wondering when will be my turn
I've gained lots from our relationship
Which is the reason of me being single till now (Sorry that I lie. Just to make you n your gf feel better)

May the good Lord bless you and your family
Peace to you and your family
Wishing you and your family happiness and healthy always

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Dinner 19-06-2010

Eastern style spaghetti: Spaghetti, lettuce, minced meat, salted chicken & egg

Sunday, 13 June 2010


What could be done on the feeling of regrets?

On the lovely evening 10-06-2010
Me, my bro Jacky and his bunch of friends had a lovely night out for drinks
Memorable night out
Lovely night out
Enjoyable night out

Something has happened 
Wondering if it's right
Wondering how things just happened
Thousands feeling of regrets
I hope it's just a dream
I hope those memory doesn't stay long

Dinner 11-06-2010

Kids favourite. Wonder why?!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

My baby...

Deep in the hundred acre wood where Christopher Robin plays
You'll find the enchanted neighborhood of Christopher's childhood days
A donkey named Eeyore is his friend and Kanga and little Roo
There's Rabbit and Piglet and there's Owl, but most of all Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh 
Winnie the Pooh
Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff
He's Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh
Willy nilly silly old bear

By: Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

To the Beloved

The happiest moment in life is welcoming the new little life to this world
There was saying that that is the beginning of suffering because the first thing the new born baby do is cry

One says:
It is blessed to be a mom
Feeling of missing never stops
Wondering if you are living happily
Wondering if you could feel mommy
Wondering if you could forgive mommy
Wondering how life would be if you're here

You're five years old now
Nothing much mommy can do
Mommy will always pray for you
Hope that you are leading a good life

Mommy loves you
Mommy misses you

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Something Worth to Remember

Putting blame on others is in the nature of human (Not all, but most)

Attended motivation course in 2007 (if not mistaken)
Nothing else from the course I could remember
Only this: "Do not put the blame on others."

What I get from that are:
Put the blame on myself makes me a more happier person 
(with no thorns in my heart)
Put the blame on myself enables me to find the solution to the problems 
(we couldn't change others but we could change ourself)
Put the blame on myself makes me a better person

I don't know if others feel the same, but that's what I feel.

Monday, 31 May 2010

It's time...

I'm happy to know that you are still thinking of me
I'm happy to know that you are hoping to talk to me again
But, I still do not have the courage to talk to you
I wonder why

You are my sweetest memory 
I will make it just a memory
It's never been easy for me 
To leave the memory that has been tattooed
But, it's really time to move on

It's time to let go the past
It's time to stop living in the memory
It's time to move on to the next episode
It's time to give myself a chance
It's time to give others a chance

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

11 May 2010 - Fried Chicken

Fried chicken with curry powder
Instead of Fried Chicken, should be salted fried chicken. 
Was too busy on the assignments and exams.
Finally can spend some time cooking some "yummy" dish for the kids.