Your true love - You need to strive for it or else you will be regret once he left. 
Friends that can be trusted - Get along well with him/her because it is hard to meet with such person in one's life.

Someone who were there when you breaking down - You should be grateful to that person because he/she is your turning point.

Your previous lover(s) - Remember to smile to him/her with gratitude because he/she makes you know better what love is.

Someone you hated - Should say hi to him/her with a smile because that person makes you stronger.

Your betrayal - Should have a nice chat with him(her) because you know the real world better because of him(her).

Someone that you were secretly in love with - Should wish him/her forever happy because that was what you wished when you were secretly in love with him/her.

Someone who have left you - Thanks him(her) for being part of your life because he(she) is part of your wonderful memory.

Someone who misunderstood you - Clear the misunderstanding between you both because you might have only that one chance.

Someone special who is spending the remaining life with you - Thanks him(her) for his(her) love for you because both of you have now received the happiness and true love.
***Learn to be grateful***
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