While walking pass a commercial area, what would caught your attention?
A. Dinosaur
B. White Tiger
C. Polar Bear
D. Leopard

A. You are a pessimistic person who does not believe in the existence of a happy marriage.
B. Marriage is something precious to you where you will cherish your partner and marriage once you are married.
C. You are afraid of marriage. You feel that you will lose your freedom once married.
D. You always wanting to get married but in fact, you do not know what it means.
A. 恐龙
B. 白老虎
C. 北极熊
D. 豹子
A. 你非常消极,你不相信有快乐婚姻的存在。
B. 你认为婚姻是件很珍贵的事,一旦结婚,你会很珍惜婚姻及你的伴侣。
C. 你害怕婚姻,你认为婚姻会夺走你的自由。
D. 你一直想要结婚,但事实上,你甚至不知道婚姻到底是什么。
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